Have questions about...
Life Insurance? Disability? Sudden Death? College Funds? Loan Guarantees? Speak with Devin Moore at (860) 904-8743 who now heads our sister company, Connecticut Financial Exchange. |
Life InsuranceWhy should you have life insurance?
Many have discovered life insurance is an indispensable and fundamental piece of a sound financial plan. Over the years, life insurance provides peace of mind knowing there will be money available to protect one's family and estate in a number of ways…
Connecticut Insurance Exchange offers a wide variety of life insurance plans to best fit your needs:
Dedicated Service |
We will gladly research the best policy for your situation and explain it to you in detail. Get peace of mind for yourself and those you care for. You'll be glad you did.
Contact Info: Devon Moore (860) 904-8743 Ron Tregoning ext. 618, or [email protected] |
CONNECTICUT INSURANCE EXCHANGE, LTD | 112 Market Square, Newington, CT 06111
Local: 860-666-5443 | Toll-free: 1-800-847-8895 | Fax: 860-666-8919
We insure Connecticut | Rhode Island | Vermont
Local: 860-666-5443 | Toll-free: 1-800-847-8895 | Fax: 860-666-8919
We insure Connecticut | Rhode Island | Vermont
Connecticut Insurance Exchange is Connecticut Magazine’s Outstanding FIVE-STAR Home/Auto Insurance Professional
and nationally recognized for superior customer satisfaction by City Beat News.
and nationally recognized for superior customer satisfaction by City Beat News.